Code of Conduct
(As of April 2023)
Our Code of Conduct
The companies of the Pfeifer & Langen Group can look back on very successful and in some cases long corporate histories. Despite all the differences in the business models, the common basis of all Pfeifer & Langen companies lies in a strong commitment to value-oriented action and to the central corporate values of the Pfeifer & Langen Group.
This Code of Conduct defines essential principles of action that are intended to serve as fundamental orientation in our daily work. The principles reflect our understanding of ethically, morally and legally correct behaviour.
Please take the time to read the Code of Conduct carefully. Always be guided by these principles in your work and decisions.
If you have any questions or doubts about appropriate and correct conduct, you can always contact the compliance officer responsible for your organisation in confidence to discuss your questions and seek advice. Furthermore, the Compliance Officer of Pfeifer & Langen IHKG is also available to you for a confidential exchange.
We are counting on you.

Principle 1: We produce according to the highest standards
Food safety is our top priority. We are all responsible for ensuring that consumers can trust the safety and quality of our products. Professional processes and food safety standards are applied to ensure consistently high product quality and safety. Our entire supply chain is monitored and suppliers are selected according to strict criteria.
We naturally comply with legal requirements and industry standards for consumer health and safety.
Principle 2: We always act with integrity
We act transparently, fairly, honestly and reliably. We comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries where we operate.
Each of us is responsible for the integrity of our conduct.
Principle 3: We condemn all forms of corruption and avoid conflicts of interest
We do not tolerate corruption and bribery. We never offer money, gifts or other benefits to obtain unlawful preferential treatment or advantages. We do not ask business partners for personal benefits. We refuse all personal favours as they could influence our business decisions.
We also avoid conflicts of interest. Should conflicts of interest arise, we resolve them professionally by agreeing on the further course of action with the respective superior.
Principle 4: We conduct fair competition and respect the free market
We observe the rules of fair competition and support all efforts to enforce a free market and open competition. Our principle is to compete through innovation, best quality and excellent service.
Accordingly, we do not collude with competitors on our competitive behaviour and refrain from any form of restrictive agreements as well as the exchange of competition-sensitive information.
Principle 5: We treat people fairly and with social justice
We treat people fairly. All companies in the Pfeifer & Langen Group offer their employees appropriate remuneration and fair working conditions. We do not tolerate harassment or discrimination in the workplace. We ensure appropriate safety precautions and health protection in the workplace at all locations.
Principle 6: We respect the environment and operate sustainably
Responsible use of resources is a matter of course for us. Our goal is to operate sustainably and to continuously reduce any negative impact our business activities may have on the environment.
It is the responsibility of all employees to minimise harmful effects on the environment and to use resources sparingly.
Principle 7: We always act in the best interest of the Pfeifer & Langen Group
We act loyally towards the Pfeifer & Langen Group and avoid conflicts between personal interests and those of the company.
We respect company property and handle assets responsibly. We treat business information carefully and with due confidentiality.
How we comply with this code
Seek for advice
A code of conduct can never provide an answer to all the situations we may encounter at work. So what to do if these seven principles do not cover a specific situation?
Think of the Pfeifer & Langen Group’s core corporate values. All our actions are based on our core corporate values. These should guide us every day. As an orientation, you may always behave in such a way that you will have no problem if your behaviour is reported on tomorrow in wide-ranging media.
If you are not sure how to behave, you should ask. There are various contacts for this – above all your superiors and the compliance officer.
Address topics
What should you do if you notice that something is not right in your work environment? We ask all employees to take action if something doesn’t feel right or seems wrong.
If you think someone has broken the law, the spirit of this Code of Conduct or any other company policy, please say so! Please speak to your manager, the Compliance Officer or a member of management, or use our digital whistleblowing system (accessible via the link whistleblowing system).
We maintain confidentiality to the highest possible degree. Our digital whistleblowing system also allows you to make anonymous reports.
We will investigate any reported violation promptly, fairly and in accordance with applicable laws.
We encourage honest, open communication. We do not tolerate retaliation against people who report actual or suspected violations in good faith, nor do we tolerate deliberately inaccurate, offensive or defamatory reports.
Your contact
Oliver Strnad
// Compliance Officer //
Do you need our Code of Conduct for your documents?
You can download our current Code of Conduct as a PDF here:
PDF, english (~ 210 KB)
PDF, german (~ 210 KB)